Ahead of its release, Bhansali unveiled the first song, “Sakal Ban”, from the series under his music label Bhansali Music. Since its release, the song, penned by Amir Khusro and sung by Raja Hasan, has been garnering attention online.
In the caption, she further informed her followers about the origin of Sakal Ban. “Sakal Ban originates from the devotion of a poet, Amir Khusro, to his mentor/guru Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya, driven by a quest to uplift his spirits after a personal loss. Embracing Hindu traditions, Khusro adorned himself in yellow attire, symbolising hope.
He was inspired by Hindu women adorned in yellow attire, offering mustard flowers to their deity. Presenting the heartfelt composition of 'Sakal Ban' with mustard flowers, he evoked a radiant smile from Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. This transformative moment made Sakal Ban synonymous with Basant Panchami celebrations at the shrine, marked by yellow attire and soul-stirring qawwalis.”