AstraZeneca’s submission in U.K. court nothing new, say doctors over Covishield’s potential to cause blood clots
Following pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca’s admission in U.K. court documents that its vaccine against COVID-19 has the potential to cause Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS),
rare side effect associated with blood clotting, doctors in India said this is not new information and that they are
well aware of the warning which has been available in India as an insert with the vaccine since the time it was introduced for general public here”.
A report in British newspaper The Daily Telegraph stated that in a legal document submitted to the High Court in London in February for a group action being brought by 51 claimants
AstraZeneca admitted that the vaccine developed with the University of Oxford to protect against Covid-19 may cause TTS in “very rare cases”.
It is admitted that the AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known. Further, TTS can also occur in the absence of the AZ vaccine (or any vaccine).
Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence,” the newspaper quoted the legal document.
The consequences of TTS are potentially life-threatening including strokes, brain damage, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism and amputation.